Saturday, January 5, 2013

T-Minus 5 Days

I cannot believe that in five days I will be boarding a flight that will take me to Europe for the next 4 months.  I've started saying my goodbyes and am continually asked "Are you ready? ... Excited?" and still cannot fathom that this is actually happening.  I am not entirely sure I will believe it until I am physically on the plane.  Mom and I spent the entire day running around gathering last minute items all afternoon, constantly adding on to my mental list of everything that's left, but I honestly have no idea how I can possibly fit 4 months of my life into two fifty pound suitcases. 

I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity and intend to take full advantage of the next four months-- every weekend is going to be a new city and a new adventure.  About a month ago I booked an apartment for 8 of us to enjoy Carnevale in Venice, Italy in early February.  Just booking the apartment gave me goosebumps.  I cannot explain how excited, nervous, thankful, and happy I am for this semester.  To think that come April I will be boarding another plane headed for Africa is completely unrreal (although the pain in my arm from my yellow fever shot earlier today is still definitely very real).  I'm very much looking forward to meeting 40 new close friends and traveling everywhere imaginable this semester.

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