Sunday, January 13, 2013

Monte San Salvatore 1/12/13

 We hiked up Monte San Salvatore yesterday.  We started around 10 am and didn't stop hiking/walking until 4 pm to make the grand total for the day about 10 miles.  It was extremely exhausting but completely worth the views.
This picture was taken about 1/2 way up the mountain. Brinberg must be in incredible shape because he was booking it the whole time and we were all huffing and puffing from the start.  By the time we reached the top I thought my legs might just collapse under me, but it was so worth it.

 After we hiked back down the mountain we walked through a countryside and town.  While passing a church in the middle of a farm, a bunch of horses ran past through the path.  This was when we found out that Maureen is a secret horse whisperer because she whistled to call them back to us and they came running back.  It was quite entertaining.
The town we walked through to get to the bus to bring us back to Lugano was really small and beautiful.
After we got back we all took a nap from the tiring day and then literally took over a local pizza place for dinner.  Everything in Lugano is extremely expensive so at dinner our entire table ended up ordering the cheapest wine and the cheapest cheese pizza.  I'm sure the restaurant owners didn't know what to do with us.
After dinner we headed out to the local bar Coyote Ugly.  It was interesting though because all of the bars close really early and then everyone heads to night clubs to go dancing.  A bunch of us went dancing to end our first fun night out in Lugano.

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